Writing Programs

Throughout my 20+ years of training entrepreneurs, I created classes to help business owners become more successful, efficient and more profitable. I have made these available in a download format.

Creating Products

Creating your own products will allow you to speak for free anywhere you find an audience who are made of of ideal clients for you and still walking away with an average of $100 to $500 an hour.
What knowledge would you want your audience to take home with them? Hearing you speak will encourage an average of 10 to 20% of your audience to want to have access to your message again and again.
With today’s technology, you can use your own computer to record your intellectual property and this program will help guide you through the entire process including how to create jacket covers with attractive covers. Worksheet included


Ezines Made Easy

One of the best ways to keep in touch with your clients and prospects to remind them what your expertise skills are is through a monthly or quarterly ezine.
You can develop topics they want to hear about and tickle new ideas to form a closer alliance with your database.
This program will teach you how to create a dynamic newsletter that will make you stand out among your competition.
Even if you have no idea how to create a newsletter, this program will guide you through each and every step of the process.


Face it . . . Social Media is Here to Stay!

Everyone knows social media is here to stay! How you use it is up to you! When you learn how to create meaningful relationships through all the platforms will change how you do business forever.
It takes discipline and an organized plan but within a few short weeks you will be able to build Power Partner Relationships that will have you getting more referred business that you could imagine.
Each platform takes a different approach will require you to develop an understanding of how people perceive your value. When you know how to present your expertise you will be able to develop relationships better than you have ever done before. Worksheet included


Independent Publishing

I met an author in 2000 who had over 220 rejection letters on his first book over a 2 year time period. Later the same year I met a very successful author who received a phone call from Barns and Noble telling him he had 10 days to buy back all of his books, to the tune of $107,000.
Can you imagine how heartbreaking that would be?
I spent 20 years in the printing industry and understood all the nuisances of getting my first book published without having to use a mainstream publisher. The more authors I talk with the more I realized what a benefit it was.
I created Independent Publishing to help every learn how to get your book published without the pain of rejection letters and how to retain the lion’s share of the profit when you sell your books rather than giving the online stores 90% of the profit.
Includes publishing sources


Internet Marketing

It used to be you called your local newspaper or phone and placed an ad. Today newspapers and phone directory advertising never produce results.
Internet Marketing is a mystery to most entrepreneur, but this program will make it easy for you navigate the complexities of today’s marketing procedures. You’ll discover simple methods of getting your business visible in your community and know where your potential prospects are more likely to be.
This will make marketing second nature for you and the success of your business.



Joint Ventures

This unique concept will help you develop more business with less effort. Once you realize how easy it is to create relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs.
There are several avenues you can pursue to instigate programs that will have business flowing your way in no time at all.
The process will be made clear through this program and in no time at all you’ll feel like an expert.
The benefit of using Joint Ventures is being able to get to know others who are amazing entrepreneurs. Worksheet included


Podcasts Made Easy

What if you could talk to multiple prospects simultaneously and do it from the comfort of your home?
This program will take you through each and every step it will take you to be successful in creating a podcast whether it’s daily, weekly or even once a month.
When you reach out to an audience who will include your prospects, Power Partners and even media, you will gain more recognition for being a professional in your industry. You will be able to develop a following who will be anxious to hear from you and even develop a great referral base. Worksheet included


Website Editing

The task of editing your own website can be daunting to say the least. When you learn how easy it can be you’ll realize, like everything else, it’s just something new to learn.
Editing your website is as easy as editing a Word doc when you have the right tools.
Editing an existing page is very easy and even creating a new page will be easy for you with this detailed step-by-step program.
Bonus: Setting up your Word Press site.


Write Your Book in 6 to 8 weeks

My first book took me six months to write. I did everything the wrong way. My second book took a week! I was able to lock myself away and write for 12 hours a day. But not everyone is able to hide away for a week. That’s why I created this program to help my clients who have busy lives, so they could finally find the time to get their book written.
You will be amazed at how simple this will be. You’ll learn how to organize your thoughts so the book flows in an organize process as well as discovering the process of how you can not write consistently but learn how to focus when you have the time set aside for your writing.
You’ll also learn the secret of being able to write from your right brain when you need to be creative and stay within the creative mode for 90 minutes at a time. Worksheet included

Your Right to Write

This training course includes 12 hours of in-depth processes to help you organize your book outline so it will automatically flow; how to get your ISBN; create your book website; creative designs for your book cover; how and why you should engage a virtual assistant; how to use social media to gain the attention you need for your book; the perfect format for your book; the most profitable way to print your book; how to use online bookstores without giving up your profit; submitting to the Library of Congress as well as Libraries across the country; how to get publicity and write a great Press Release; the easiest methods of getting great book reviews; and how to set up our merchant account.
Once you have your book written you’re ready to learn how to get your book out into the world. There are various methods of getting your book out into the world. Some will be very comfortable with others will challenge your skills. I managed to overcome all the fears I faced while doing each one of these techniques, so I know you can too.
You learn to set up your Book Signings; get Media Training; have Radio Interview resources; set up Joint Venture interviews; how to set up your Affiliate Programs; learn how to build your mailing lists; ways of creating your own Membership Site; how to find Book Sponsors; various Distribution resources; how to create your Audio Book; and much more.
Includes 52 videos; workbooks; 1,500 radio talk show hosts and great guides.