Cruising for Singles

This inclusive program includes multiple programs that will keep your single passengers excited about their cruise experience!They will learn to quickly decide if he or she is a good match and how to approach a complete stranger with confidence.

Cruise Program 1 – About Face
First your passengers will be exposed to the concepts of how to read a person’s face! Is the person they’re interested in a logical or innovative personality? Are they outgoing or are they introverts? Can they be comfortable in casual and formal environments? Do they let their past dictate what is happening in their present?Imagine being able to interpret these traits and many more, before you ever talk with someone! Imagine finally understanding why someone is more suited to you and why they might not be!

Cruise Program 2 – Making a List
Developing a list of priorities and understanding what you want in a relationship is vital to the success of your dating experience! Why take chances and keep dating those who have little or nothing in common with you!

The list is as basic or as thorough as each person prefers! But once you have your list, you will begin to look at your choices with a more ideal outcome. Reduce the hit-or-miss effect and take a more proactive role in your choices of dates.

Cruise Program 3 – Singles Talk
Dating expert, Sharyn will conduct a talk show format where we interview singles, answer the questions they have about dating and create a live television/radio show type environment.

It’s Dear Abby on steroids! It’s more fun for your passengers and will get them involved in their cruise experience!

Cruise Program 4 – Profile
The dating profile takes the guesswork out of the process of knowing if a perfect stranger has the potential of being a great match! It’s the simple things like what you enjoy doing with your free time, favorite cuisine, whether you prefer to be in large groups or spend your time alone and even what your life goals are..

The ratings indicate a numerical answer from 1 to 9 and each passenger completing the $250 profile (at no charge) will be given their number to wear throughout the cruise. The name of the game is to find as many people who share your number and look for the perfect match! It will encourage your passengers to meet more singles, have more fun and have the best cruising experience they’ve ever had!

Cruise Program 5 – The Dating Game
Let’s bring it on board! Create more entertainment and fun for your passengers. It gets them involved and creates memories that will have them booking their next cruise before they’ve returned home! We’ll pick 3 men and 3 women each evening and let them vie for the date!

The lucky questionnaire will get a salon treatment to get them ready for their debut! The couple will enjoy dinner on board at one of the restaurants and an interview will appear in the shipboard news.