Create Your Own Reality


Create Your Own Reality – The Ancient Wisdom

What makes some people successful while others struggle at every turn of their lives? Why is one person apparently carefree while others are burdened with constant trials and tribulations?

Since the beginning of time people have been dealing with the same challenges as previous generations. Why is it we have never been able to learn from our previous generations trials and tribulations?

You will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to change the trajectory of your life path once you have mastered the process of controlling your own life.

There are crucial steps to create your Life’s work 

• Learn how to use brainstorming techniques 
• Discover how you can do anything meaningful and  
   create your desired income 
• Use techniques that will make you stand out in the  
   deluge of resumes

 You are only six people away from everyone in the world, so be sure to ask for what you want. 
• Journals are vital, you find out why 
• Mentors are a must, creating one in your life will make  
   all the difference in the world 
• There is more than $30 billion dollars allocated to new  
   business research grants, how will you get your share? 
• Find out what programs are designed to get you off to 
   a fast start in your own business 
• Imagery is the latest techniques used by corporations to 
   create the ideal outcome, you can learn to use it too!

200 page book – ISBN 978-0-9702441-7-8


 $19.95 plus Shipping & Handling
