Throughout my 20+ years of training entrepreneurs, I created classes to help business owners become more successful, efficient and more profitable. I have made these available in a download format.

7 Techniques to Thrive in Any Economy
Most entrepreneurs start their business because they’re passionate about what they’re doing or they’ve always felt they had something better to offer their clients. But they rarely take vital training to become a successful business owner.
If you consistently apply these 7 Techniques, your business will Thrive in any economy or economic environment. Until you have 10% more profitability than you need to be comfortable, and 6 months of operating capital in cash, you need to spend no less than 30% of your time marketing your business and following these simple steps to stay successful.
Worksheet included

About Face – Traits Tell Tales
The art of Physiognomy or interpreting faces goes back to Aristotle in 500 BC, but it was notarized by Judge Jones in the 1930s, who realized that the those who were innocent had specific facial features as much as those who were guilty have recognizable traits. Judge Jones kept a record and was 90% correct in his prediction of who was guilty when they first entered his courtroom.
You will learn how pace your conversations with people you’ve just met to make people more comfortable quickly. You’ll be able to engage with them as though you have been friends for years. The results will be for you to be able to increase your sales stats while reducing your ratios, selling more with less time. You will find you have more fun meeting new people as well.
Imagine being able to tell how to structure your conversation with people when you first meet them to suite their comfort. You will build rapport with your prospects and even personal relationships by understanding the traits they possess on their face.
Worksheet included

About Time
Time is the one thing we can not replace, but is the one thing we value and most often wasted!
What if you could generate an extra hour a day, five hours a week? What would you do with the extra time? What if you could learn how to become more efficient in the tasks you are required to conduct to operate your business? Can you imagine what you would do if you gained an extra day every week? Would you spend the time doing additional marketing, relationship building or even spending your extra time with your family?
About Time will allow you to learn amazing efficiency skills and techniques to help you become more organized. These skills will help you create the time to become more profitable, efficient and even more relaxed just by applying these simple techniques!
Worksheet included

Affiliates and Blogs
This might seem to be an odd combination, but imagine you could create relationships with those who write blogs and can refer you business every single day just by creating a relationship with them through their blogs.
I have been able to use these techniques to gain high ranking visibility very rapidly on my blogs. I have used social media sites to find potential Affiliates and have gained even more of an audience through personal referral resources I’ve developed over the years.
This is an excellent method to propel your blog to go viral with more visibility more rapidly than most other marketing techniques.
When the Affiliate Blogs traffic grows, so will yours. You will be pleasantly surprised how their blog will pull you along with their successful strategies.
Worksheet included

Back of the Room Sales
It is one thing to create a stage presence and have words of wisdom to share with your audience, yet quite another to be able to create a frenzy of sales based on your products being sold to your new fans.
You will want your audience to take your knowledge home with them so they will be reminded of your well thought out presentation.
This program will guide you through the techniques the most professionals have mastered and how they make it appear to be so effortless. You will discover the strategies to can use comfortably and how to apply these techniques while you’re speaking.
You will learn what you can do to drastically increase your Back of the Room Sales and appear to be as comfortable with the process as all of your speaking heroes.
Worksheet included

Blogify Your Business
In today’s competitive business world, it is important for all entrepreneurs to generate a broad spectrum of marketing techniques.
It is vital for all businesses to generate new clients from as many sources as possible, always looking for and tracking what works for them specifically.
When people write about their business through a blog, individuals from all over the world are able to find the blog and engage with the blogger.
Even if you are not comfortable writing or feel you have the time to write consistently, you learn how to have fresh new content consistently and keep your audience coming back for more!
Worksheet included

Booking Radio Interviews
I was one of the most reluctant guest interviews you’d ever imagine. I didn’t think I had anything to say! I was afraid I’d sound foolish! I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to listen to me . . . and then something magical happened . . . people responded to my straight forward sound advice and I became hooked on reaching a much broader audience which gave me national and international exposure.
This program will help you learn how to Book Radio Interviews and turn them into one of your most profitable marketing techniques. The average radio station talk show has an average of 25,000 listeners. Imagine if you only had 10% of the audience respond to your interview and purchase your products and/or services.
Worksheet included and a list of 1,200 Talk Shows

Book Marketing
How would you like to see your books fly out the door every single day?
Even if you don’t sell a book every day, you’ll learn the most Effective Book Marketing Campaign strategies that are the most comfortable for you. When you are comfortable with these techniques, you will use them consistently and effectively. Not all authors can implement the same techniques so this program is designed for all personality types.
You will learn how to develop your book into a business of it’s own with less effort than you could ever imagine through these marketing campaigns. This program is specifically great for those who do not enjoy public speaking.
Worksheet included
Be Your Own Boss
This program is for all those who are sick and tired of working at a job they don’t like and yet your are barely getting by every month or worse yet, finding yourself with less in your pocket each month than you had the month before.
You will discover your skills and your passions can be merged into the most perfect business which will generate more income in half the time than you’ve been earning working a full-time job. Plus, you’ll gain the freedom to work the hours you choose and spend time with your family instead of in your car commuting to a job that doesn’t support you in the fashion you deserve!
Worksheet included

Creating Products
Creating your own products will allow you to speak for free anywhere you find an audience who are made of of ideal clients for you and still walking away with an average of $100 to $500 an hour.
What knowledge would you want your audience to take home with them? Hearing you speak will encourage an average of 10 to 20% of your audience to want to have access to your message again and again.
With today’s technology, you can use your own computer to to record your intellectual property and this program will help guide you through the entire process including how to create jacket covers with attractive covers.
Worksheet included

Create Your Own Reality
“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right!” that is what Mrs. Ford said to Henry Ford when he threw a carburetor across the room saying “I can’t fix that thing!”
Isn’t that just about true of everything we believe we are capable of accomplishing? When we realize we are able to accomplish anything we set our minds to, what happens to our consciousness? Wouldn’t you become more confident? Even if you have to ask for help, if someone else has accomplished what you achieve to do, then you are capable of accomplishing it as well!
I promise you, when you focus on what you want your life to become, even if it’s only an hour a day or a half a day on your days off, you will recognize the differences in one year.
Worksheet included